I Hear Voices In Everything! : Step by step

Översättare: Sarah Death

ISBN: 9789197847667

Utgiven: 2014-01-01

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Konst

Seen in the light of Bakhtin´s philosophy, might these activities perhaps not merely overlap with each other but be understood as one and the same? Taken together, the text plus a number of artworks and three exhibitions constitute a dissertation in Fine Arts. The art works and exhibitions are a blend of curatorial work, artistic creation and essayistic excursions. A wide range of issues are addressed, through assertions and philosophical speculations. But the work is grounded throughout in the writer´s own artistic practice and that of others.
There are a number of different voices interspersed in the text. Quotations, oral commentaries, emails and fictional characters interrupt, add and delete. The intention is that the reader, too, should be drawn into this polyphonic chorus of voices.

\\\\\\\"However, the ´artistic´ in its totality is not to be found in the thing, and not in the psyche of the creative artist or the psyche of the perceiver taken in isolation, for the ´artistic´ embraces all three of these elements. It is a special form of interrelationship between creator and perceiver, which is fixed in the artistic work.\\\\\\\"
Mikhail Bakhtin