For my grandchild

Illustratör: Terese Öman

ISBN: 9789197861489

Utgiven: 2011-10-13

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Hus och hem

For My Grandchild is an album of memories for grandparents to fill in and share the story of their life with their grandchildren. This precious gift can be purchased, filled in and given to a grandchild by their grandparent, or bought as a present for a grandparent to complete at their leisure.

As they complete the album, grandparents are inspired to share details about themselves and their lives with their grandchild. The fresh, modern text complemented by beautiful, quirky illustrations make this album fun for grandparents to fill in, and for grandchildren of all ages to read and re-read. Chapter by chapter, this memory album guides the writer through their lives, providing hints and tips on what to write as well as ample space to share individual stories and memories.

With text and illustrations by Terese Öman.
By Fill & Tell. We publish memory books for those special moments in life. For more information, please visit