Learning in the outdoor classroom : a swedish anthology of activities

ISBN: 9789197960090

Utgiven: 2015-08-10

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Pedagogik

It gives us great pleasure to be able to share with you our experiences andmethods related to outdoor, place-based and environmental education in varioussubject areas. This book aims to provide teachers around the globe withmaterial that can build enthusiasm and interest in the environment and theoutdoors by complementing daily learning with outdoor curriculum-basedactivities, thus making language, maths, science, technology, and environmentalissues understandable and real. Furthermore we want to highlighteducation for sustainable development, as teachers need to develop reflectivelearners in this world of change where a shifting mindset is crucial for a positivefuture.In the school of tomorrow, we hope that “high-touch” as well as high-techlearning will be the natural way of learning so that children gain long-lastingand useful knowledge about the world, others, and themselves.This book offers great ideas for you to begin teaching in your own outdoorsetting – for example, in the schoolyard, the playground, the park or in anurban environment just as well as in a forest. Naturally, the outdoors offers awonderful place for interaction, communication, and creativity as well as formemorable and fun times.