Target Success! How to Succeed with Pulse Meetings and Continuous Improvement

Illustratör: Svante Ahlsén

ISBN: 9789198037296

Utgiven: 2022-01-20

Format: Flexband

Språk: Svenska

Genre: Management

“Target Success! – How to Succeed with Pulse Meetings and Continuous Improvement” presents an effective structure for sustainable performance improvement and enhanced goal achievement. It describes how having well-established values and appropriate goals can enable an effective way of working with visual and frequent follow-up, as well as establishing employee-driven improvement work that focuses on the right things. The book also provides advice on how to lead and perform effective pulse meetings and improvement team meetings. To reinforce inspiration and understanding, approximately 120 pages are dedicated to describing practical applications of the structure. The examples come from administration, sales operations, local government, project work, healthcare, support function, and manufacturing. The book aims at teaching rather than just providing general inspiration. It aims at providing understanding of what is required to succeed with pulse meetings and continuous improvement. This includes an explanation of how values and goals are essential to ensure that pulse meetings and continuous improvement focus on the right things to achieve prioritized goals. The book is intended for managers and employees in all types of operations and across all branches of industry. It provides hands-on knowledge to help an operation to establish a new, or improve an existing, structure for pulse meeting and continuous improvement.