Peggy - A Flapper. In Hollywood

ISBN: 9789198250084

Utgiven: 2021-07-21

Format: Danskt band

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Memoarer och biografier

In the first part of this book we hear the voice of Margaret Mitchell, the woman who wrote 'Gone With the Wind'. She talks about Georgia, Southern life, her relatives, the Civil War and what happened until 1939. She narrates about books that inspired her and some of the research she did in connection with writing 'Gone With the Wind'. Her novel came 1936, and the movie 1939. Most of the people in her story have existed, or are composites of people that have existed. I have read books, letters and searched in archives to find out more about Margaret Mitchell and her life. Thanks to Hargrett Library I got the possibility to read 170 letters that her colorful maternal grandfather wrote. A treasure, I think. Margaret Mitchell was a woman with a spirit that still lives on today. The second part of this book deals with how Hollywood developed from the beginning and to 1939 when 'Gone With the Wind' premiered. It tells about some famous actors and some known and unknown stories about them. What happened during the recording, the preview and the premiere of 'Gone With the Wind', and why the movie still is considered a masterpiece, loved by so many people, is what I also put in writing about. This is a story about an amazing group of people that still energize us today.