Lund University over 350 Years – History and Stories

Redaktör: Petra Francke

Översättare: Sally Erisman

Översättare: Lennart Nyberg

Översättare: Bryan Ralph

Översättare: Nicole Tyszkiewicz

ISBN: 9789198370614

Utgiven: 2016-12-02

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Pedagogik

December 2016 marks the 350th anniversary of the foundation of Lund University. The popular history book "Lund University over 350 years – History and Stories" chronicles the journey from minor provincial academy with 14 professors and 80 students to today’s major international university, ranked among the top hundred in the world. Over 264 richly illustrated pages, the book presents the main features and overarching trends in the University’s history, along with a gallery of exciting individuals and interesting events. The book provides an insight into the development of education and research, everyday life and festivities at the university, its physical environment, student life, ideological climate, innovations, interaction with wider society, policy and organisation, libraries and museums, etc. The main authors, Björn Magnusson Staaf and Fredrik Tersmeden have written six chronological chapters recounting the general history of the University. They also contribute to the book’s shorter thematic sections, along with Patrik Andersson, Katarina Bernhardsson, Dick Harrison, Håkan Håkansson, Thomas Kaiserfeld, Tom O’Dell, Sverker Oredsson and Bengt Werner. Petra Francke is the editor and graphic designer. "Lund University over 350 years – History and Stories" is a book in coffee-table format, printed in 4-colour with over 500 photographs and illustrations. The English version is translated from the original Swedish work entitled "Lunds universitet under 350 år – Historia och historier".