Tears of Winter

Omslagsillustratör: Nellie C. Lind

ISBN: 9789198392333

Utgiven: 2019-09-19

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Fantasy och science fiction

Paradise is an illusion, and the progressive, experimental city of Nysa Serin was living on borrowed time. The winter festivities that should have warmed everyone's heart take the contorted face of a feast of fools. Despite their knowledge, Selen, Louis, and Lissandro are swamped by events. Falling one after the other, the sick litter the streets of Nysa Serin. A natural pestilence? The vengeful hand of the gods? Turned to ashes, Louis' dreams slip through his fingers like a shattered cathedral of sand. Jeopardizing its fragile stranglehold on the crown, the royal couple leaves for a desperate mission while, trapped inside the walls, the citizens strive to survive. Though the clock ticks on, in sickness and fear, the tensions surface and friendships are tested. The line is thin between cowards and heroes. Should the rescuing party even make it back, the capital will never be the same again and neither will their lives. Therefore, why not haste into darkness... till death do us part? "The author's descriptions are solid but especially vibrant when lingering on the environment. (...) While mystical elements befit the genre, the relatable human characters make this story indelible." Kirkus review