Drone vision : warfare, surveillance, protest

Redaktör: David Price

Formgivare: Karl Stefan Andersson

Redaktör: Sarah Tuck

ISBN: 9789198606560

Utgiven: 2022-11-28

Format: Flexband

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Konst

Drone Vision addresses questions of how visibility and verticality are intrinsic to drone technology and its meanings for artistic and political praxis. This book is based on the two-year research project Drone Vision: Warfare, Surveillance, Protest - a collaborative initiative between HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg, the Hasselblad Foundation, NiMAC, Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre and the National College of Arts in Lahore. Led by Dr. Sarah Tuck, the research project explores the affective meanings and implications of drone technologies on warfare, surveillance and protest.