A noble and precious edifice : Linköping Cathedral

Linköping Cathedral is one of the best-preserved Gothic churches in Europe. It took nearly 300 years to build this gigantic edifice. Master builders, stone masons and artists came from as far away as Germany, England and France to build a cathedral at the crossroads between the local and the universal. With the Black Plague, periods of poverty, fires and catastrophes all to blame, construction would not be completed until about the year 1500. Monika Minnhagen Alvsten and Stefan Hammenbeck are among the writers telling us about such a remarkable cathedral in this book, profusely illustrated with more than 400 photographs taken by Jonas Sällberg. Everything from the mediaeval art, the cults of saints and the grave art from the Age of Empire, to the most recent years' major ornamentations involving etched windows, silver votive stands and notable artistic tapestries, all take us on a journey of over 800 years.