The Aging Man's Survival Guide

ISBN: 9789198852158

Utgiven: 2024-08-26

Format: Storpocket

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Hälsa, skönhet och sex

The Aging Man's Survival Guide provides male (and female) readers with comprehensive insights into the often-avoided and under-discussed subject of male aging. The book is dedicated to helping all men live their best possible lives by establishing that aging, while inevitable, can immensely enrich our journey. Through knowledge, acceptance, and optimism, life after 60 can be filled with excitement, happiness, love, and contentment. Topics include: • Tell-tale signs of aging and how to deal with them. • How to navigate shifts in societal perception. • Recognizing male health issues and illness. • Benefits of keeping your sex drive alive. • Ideas for how to design a great retirement. • Why embracing a positive perspective promotes health. • Strategies for how to accept mortality and plan ahead.